Monday, June 16, 2008

Recovery--the Bright Side.

I haven't written in forever, and when I do write it's not very often about training or races. I was going to change all that with a sneak peek into next week's race (the first of the season, mind you), when "the accident" happened. Now there is no race next week, nor is there training planned until the brain injury specialist tells me I'm safe to go out by myself. So here I sit, a weird combination of double vision and cabin fever, trying to look on the bright side:

-The Bigfoot Triathlon was a half-mile swim in Lake Geneva: Current temp, 63 degrees. That's cold enough to numb your girl bits, I'll tell you what.
-Like my athlete blogmate Krista, I'm a late "Lost" bloomer. Look who has time to catch up on the first two seasons now! Take that, mysteriously elusive plotline!
-All school year I lamented at my inability to take 3-hour mid-afternoon naps. No more.
-My lobster waits on me hand and foot, and she feels good about doing it. "Note to Recovery: Take your Time."
-Everyone I hang up the phone with ends with an "I love you". If you need a self-esteem boost, go for the sudden head injury/hospital stay and watch the affection pour in. (To the "I love you" senders reading this, I love you too.)

Time for a nap. Training will have to wait.


Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you're OK! Don't you go scaring us like that anymore, dammit.

As a side note: YAY, LOST! ;)

Maggie, Dammit said...

I love you, too.

Don't do that again.

Kritta said "dammit". Heh.

Anonymous said...

Dammit. (for Maggie)
LOST! (for Krista)
LOVE!!!!!!!! (for Jenn)

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you -- for getting back to us, for surviving, for sharing your lobster, for being on the mend. How will they know your brain is back to "normal"? (Sorry) I LOVE you, too, can we get back to boredom for a while now? This kind of excitement I can do without.

Love you. (dammit)...


Maggie, Dammit said...

God I love my mother.

Alicia said...

Hey, goofball with double vision:

I'm so glad you're okay. Haven't said it in ... what, when did we graduate? 13 years ago ... holy crap!

But I love you. Glad you're still here. :-)