Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blue Stuff (an update)

You know that blue stuff they gave you in elementary school to help you learn how inefficiently you brush your teeth? You swish it around after brushing and it shows up on all the places you missed that are rotting of plaque as you stand there staring in the mirror at your blue teeth?

I think push-ups serve the same purpose. For I have done my 100 yesterday and 43 so far today and I'm feeling muscles I didn't have last week.

Did you know that we have muscles on the sides of our boobs?

Yay, push-ups--the blue stuff for muscles.


Anonymous said...

You go, girl! I am proud of you.

Way to find the blue stuff!

Anonymous said...

She said "sideboob". Oh, wait...

Alicia said...

You know that blue stuff they gave you in elementary school to help you learn how inefficiently you brush your teeth?

Holy crap, what kind of crazy schools did they have down by you? They sure didn't do that weird stuff in north central Wisconsin!

Anonymous said...

My sideboobs were the first thing to expand when I became pregnant. I was like, 'seriously God, how are my sideboobs feeding the fetus?? Like, how is this necessary?' It's great that you are conquering the push-ups and all, but I hate you a little bit for making me remember my sideboobs. Push-ups bring back bad memories, I guess. That's why I don't do them. Carry on, though. You're golden. Don't trip over my outstretched foot next time you walk by.

HEY, remember in high school we had our very own dance??? See. We have always been this cool.

Thanks for letting me use your blog to have this little moment with myself. Good talk.